Welcome To E.Q.M.E.

What Is It?

E.Q.M.E. ® is a modern smart app designed to help you understand yourself like never before. It takes you on a journey of self-discovery and gives insight into three important areas of who you really are. It's not your personality, it's much deeper than that and defines your true character, no masks, no pretending. People, Teams & Organisations the world over experience people conflict and the major reason why, is down to people thinking their one thing when in reality, they're someone else and it's stress and pressure that's made them believe they need to fake it till they make it, but most never do, and that's a disappointment to some which leaves them feeling low or aspects of failure. E.Q.M.E. helps restore you to the real you! Once it illuminates you, and helps you fully understand you, there's the iCoach platform which helps you develop your confidence, resilience and problem solving life skills, all essential for the pandemic we're all experiencing.

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The donation is just a small amount but from many people, it helps us develop the research that gives us the evidence that saves careers and saves lives. Thank you for your support. CLICK HERE TO DONATE