Mental wellness is more important than ever

Keeping Them Safe

For too long now, the stigma surrounding mental health has left many people struggling to cope and it's cost people their identity, their family and friends and sadly in some cases their precious life.

Our research wants to change the way people think about mental wellbeing and we have already seen a massive shift in the people we've helped combat it.

Our latest study looked at 74,514 participants and the findings were comprehensive identifying where people's mindset currently are and what triggers the feelings towards depression, self harm and suicide. 

E.Q.M.E. uses A.I. driven logic to identify the best way to interact with the individual and make it easy for them to see their value to themselves and to others and how to become part of something that allows them to live life.

Organisations can use this to truly understand the complete picture of their employees; happiness, engagement, commitment, potential and ultimately, their mental wellbeing.